Sunday, January 22, 2012

The British Library

The British Library is one of the largest collections of books in the world. Since it's Charles Dickens' bicentenial this year, there are Dickens exhibits all over the place. At the Library, they had original copies of Dickens' works on display. I made sure to take a picture of me in front of a poster of 'A Christmas Carol'. We also saw amazing stuff like original lyrics by the Beatles, hand written annotations by Jane Austen and Virginia Wolf, the Magna Carta, the Gutenberg Bible, and an exhibit on illuminated manuscripts. It was so overwhelming to be surrounded by so much history.
Original text from the Gospel of John

The Gutenberg Bible (first printed Bible in the world)

The Magna Carta: The British Constitution and inspiration for our own.

Hand written lyrics by the Beatles.

Original Poster of 'A Christmas Carol'.

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