Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Belgium Part Four: BEER!

For all of you who know I hate beer, I had Belgium beer, so HA! It was cherry flavored but it still counts. We went to this bar down the road from our hostel called the 12 Apostles and they had a lot of Catholic/Jesus/Mary paraphernalia. It was the most interesting bar I've been to thus far. So the first picture is me drinking cherry beer (Kriek in Flemish) and it's really tasty and sweet. In the second picture, my roommate's making a purposefully awkward face with (apparently) the best beer in the world: Chimay. She was head over heels, so I'm just gonna take her word for it. By the way, beer is 40 proof in Belgium. That's twice the alcohol content of regular beer, so we got drunk on almost nothing... it was a long night haha.

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